
The best crumble I ever had was a rhubarb and apple crumble at a small tea room in Greystones, Co. Wicklow, Ireland. When I saw the crumble recipe in Jamie Oliver’s cookbook Great Britain I had to try it. I only used the crumble part of the recipe, though.
But first I cut the fruit. I used rhubarb, strawberries and apple.

For the crumble mix 100g flour, 100g brown sugar and 75g butter. I also added a handful of rolled oats and some rosemary.





After 20-25 minutes in the oven (200 degrees Celsius) the crumble is ready to eat. It is best served still warm (or reheated).


If you need additional calories you can serve it with ice cream, whipped cream or custard. I ate it plain. Delicious!


Yoga Monday

I briefly thought about doing a juice detox. Biotta Juice Week is a very popular juice fast in Switzerland. I also own a book called The Holford 9 day liver detox. The only problem with these programs is that I could murder and kill anything near me two days into a fast. Also, it would make for a series of very whiny blogposts. I’ve been going to yoga classes on Mondays for a couple of weeks now. Thus, I thought I’d make Monday my juicy day of the week and stick to healthy liquids for breakfast.
This morning I opted for a celery, cucumber apple juice with Twinings Cleanse Tea. I don’t have a juicer so I blended the veggies and fruit with the tea.




A lovely mix of green colours:


It tastes okay. I am off to my yoga class now and I am already looking forward to lunch!

Juicy Haiku

Today’s recipe is short and juicy. After pork filet and coca-cola chocolate cake I had to downsize caloriewise. Good thing I found another kitchen gadget that has been in my kitchen for at least a year without having ever been used. A small mixer for mixing smoothies. It is from Betty Bossi. I know I mention BB a lot but it’s not because they pay me it’s because I am very susceptible to their advertising. They have some great kitchen gadgets (like this one) and others that proved to be completely useless (cone shaped metal wires to make cones with puff pastry for example).  Today’s recipe is in the booklet that comes with the mixer. You need 1 apple, 100g cucumber, 1dl water. For a little more sweetness and smoothieness I added half a banana.

In Haiku you could say:

Half a banana
Apple and some cucumber
Strawberries wish it were summer!



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